Based on my review of forecasts from NOAA, Wunderground and weather.com, I am canceling today's GO Thursday Kickoff Ride and Picnic. The wind and accompanying gusts could just drop off by late this afternoon, but it looks too "iffy" for me to decide at the last moment. We will resume the GO Thursday ride next Thursday May 8th @ 5:30 p.m., weather permitting, with the Malibou Lake ride. This ride is no picnic. I will send out the details next week. The GO Thursday Kickoff Picnic is rescheduled for Thursday, June 5th @ approximately 7 pm, immediately after the GO Thursday ride. We will likely ride the Hidden Valley route that was originally planned for this week, although GO Your Own Pace Lake Laps may also be a possibility if there is interest (this can be a social ride for those who want to socialize, take if easy and/or recover, but it also presents an opportunity to get in a bit of safety first speed work for those so inclined). Regards, Sherrie Felton