Hi AllConsidering everyone's Away Ride ideas & suggestions, I've revised this Sat.'s Away Ride .........9:00am Leo Carrillo State Beach ( PCH & Mulholland Hwy) Campground entrance by Ranger's booth Parking lot costs $ 10.00 for day ... or... Park on ocean side of PCH and go under PCH tunnel to access campground start location Here is a 65 mile almost flat route: 1428' climbing ( RWGPS is usually a 20-30% overestimated climbing )Leo Carrillo to Seaside Park in Ventura and back http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2850013Rest Stops: food, drinks & rest rooms: many options along the way at our choosing This should get you back at Leo Carrillo in the early PM Optional: 15-18 mile additional loop after Seaside Park for those so inclined. Harlene R. & Jim D. are the ride leaders See you Saturday at Leo Carrillo at 9:00am Jim Doane- CVC