Hi Everyone! Ok, we have some choices to make. Here are 2 options for the 8:30 ride! 1. Malibu Lake via Agoura to to Juan Bautista to Mullholland, over Mullholland and around Malibu Lake, return idea, Chesbro to Kanan to Lindero to T.O Blvd. to Lakeview, around Lake and back. Heat will be in Agoura by 11. 2. Hidden Valley/Dos Vientos if the weather seems as if it will be too hot. Both about 28-30 miles. Please email me your choice and let the majority rule... The Tuesday morning ride is a gold/orange level pace with average of about 15+ mph. Rides vary from 25-35 miles. Tuesday morning is not a "no drop ride" but as always let's try to stick together and have a fun,safe ride. Come ride with this great group of people! Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. See you there. We have a great group showing for the Tuesday rides... lots of fun and we stick together. So come on out and enjoy a ride! Sprouts Parking Lot/Westlake. Sheri