Hi All: RECAP : these are the routes ( showing corrected Orange ride) for: Sat.'s 9-14th Ventura-Santa Paula: September Away Ride Offering: Purple, Gold, Orange & Red Ride routes Jim Doane- CVC ==================================================================================== 9-14th CVC September Away Rides : Ventura-Ojai- Dennison Grade-Santa Paula-Ventura 8:30 am Start Mission Park, Ventura - parking lot (or park on streets near this area) - Location: E. Santa Clara St. ( between Figueroa St. and Ventura Ave. ) on North side of Santa Clara St. Drive instructions: # 101 N to California exit - continue thru first traffic light turn left at second light- Santa Clara Rd. - about .5 mi. West to Mission Park (if you get to Ventura Ave. you've gone 1 block too far West) Ride Color Descriptions: 1) Purple Ride: Up bike path from Ventura to Ojai and return: approx 15 miles each way Purple Ride: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3290331 30.7 miles - 1079' climbing (Kay F. + others are ride leaders) 2) Gold Ride: To Ojai - then return to Ventura via' Creek Rd. & Encino Rd. & bike path Gold Ride: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3290374 32.6 miles 1,492 ' climbing (we'd like to have a Ride Leader volunteer for this ride) 3) Orange Ride : Oak View- Ojai -Dennison Grade-Santa Paula-Ventura Orange Ride: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3341803 49.7 miles 2,334 ' climbing (Jerry S. & Greg R.: Ride Leaders) 4) Red Ride: Oak View-Ojai-Northern Ojai -Dennison Grade-Santa Paula-Ventura Red Ride: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3290473 54 miles 3,442 climbing ( Jim Doane - Ride Leader) This Red Ride version adds Northern Ojai route: La Luna, Grand Ave, Thatcher Rd., etc. adding 4 additional miles and 538' climbing over Orange ride route After-ride possible group Lunch spot? I know that all the rides will be completed at different times but here's a suggestion of a Mexican restaurant (drinks & good food) that has an outdoor seating patio: in Ojai "Agave Maria" on Montgomery St. one block south of the main st. ( # 150) in Ojai See you Saturday, 9-14th in Ventura - Mission Park at 8:30 Jim Doane - CVC Red/Away Ride Captain