<!--Header of Auto-Responder Ends Here --> Dear Friends and Family, I've registered and committed to riding in, YSC Tour de Pink. I will ride over 200 miles and raise at least $2,500 for Young Survival Coalition (YSC), the premier global organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Please support my effort to help ensure that no young woman faces breast cancer alone. Any amount you can give will make a real difference. $25 could fund YSC materials at three healthcare providers' offices $100 could provide a Newly Diagnosed Navigator to six women when they need it most $250 could allow us to train four survivors to serve as a peer supporters $500 could fund a Young Empowered Survivor (YES) educational program $1,200 could pay for two young women to travel to our annual conference for young women affected by breast cancer Please visit my personal fundraising webpage where you can easily make a secure credit card donation (click the link below). Your gift to this important cause is tax-deductible. Make a Donation: https://west.ysctourdepink.org/SheilaSherwyn Thank you for your support. Sheila You have received this message from RallyBound on behalf of Sheila Sherwyn who is fundraising for Young Survival Coalition. To one-click unsubscribe from receiving future emails, please click here to opt out . If you are unable to click on the link above, please copy and paste the URL below into a web browser http://west.ysctourdepink.org/Account/OptOut/STRmQlgrZWhpQWRFQUZYQXl3eVl5WW1...