Hey CVC, It's forecast to be nasty hot this weekend, so here are a few things you can do to avoid overheating: 1. Ride early and get done before the heat gets too high (don't be climbing Encinal at 1:00 when it's 75 at the beach and 105 at the top); 2. Make sure you carry two water bottles and consider freezing the water in them overnight (about 1/2 - 3/4 full will allow it to expand when freezing, then top off with water in the morning); 3. Top off your bottles at every water stop; 4. Drink double shots (when you drink focus on taking twice what you normally might drink); 5. Ice packs. This is one of my requirements if I'm riding in over 100 degrees. Find a small tupperware container, fill it with water and freeze it. In the morning, put it in a cooler before the ride, then transfer it to a gallon baggie and slip it into your middle jersey pocket. It will help keep your core temperature down and you will have ice water later to drink or pour over your head; 6. Don't overdo it. You have about 85% of the power and ability when it's really hot out. Don't be a hero and try to PR the Rockstore this weekend ;) 7. Add electrolytes and salt tablets to your regiment if you plan on riding for more than 2 hours. Personally, I'll be finishing my short ride up by 9am everyday, if I even ride. After all, I've got a farm full of animals to keep cool too :) Let's ride..... slowly and smartly, Bart Ziegler CVC Ride Director