Hey Wednesday Pub Riders! π²πΊπ·π If you have not come out for a pub ride, this is the time we have to socialize and have fun. Kathy Bailey is hosting this week's ride from The Local Table in Dos Vientos, Newbury Park. It's a fun little place and I think you will all enjoy! Great drinks and food in an outside setting. The Local Table Located in: The Village <https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02MP_om4UXJWbbpAPq3SsxL6wPszg:1627345592719&q=The+Village&ludocid=10451422359101213985&gsas=1&lsig=AB86z5UYEnwTceUea63XQxV3aR5b&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB9-vf_oHyAhVXsp4KHfpkB4MQ8G0oADAjegQIPRAB> Address <https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02MP_om4UXJWbbpAPq3SsxL6wPszg:1627345592719&q=the+local+table+address&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LVT9c3NExKqjAwjje21JLNTrbSz8lPTizJzM-DM6wSU1KKUouLF7GKl2SkKoCEcxRKEpNyUhWgMgDsHR2rSgAAAA&ludocid=4497729367823518141&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjB9-vf_oHyAhVXsp4KHfpkB4MQ6BMwJXoECEUQBA> : 360 Via Las Brisas #110, Newbury Park, CA 91320 Here is the route. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36931620 Please try and let us know if you are coming. Should be a nice place for a ride. Thanks Kathy. if you have not signed up to cohost a pub ride yet, please do. Here is the sign up link. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-6KcekTt-eKNlG0NFM85zLdGb0TuHDckZg-C... Sheri