[image: image.png] ***Summer ride start time change begins this weekend. Rides will start 30 minutes earlier to beat the heat. *Upcoming Away Rides:* June 29, PCH coastal ride Local rides- Saturday June 22nd @8:00 Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Taylor Rockstore/Latigo 53.5 5,089 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/10627876 805-390-2200 PCH/Mully Orange Doug Agoura/Topanga 45.5 4,048 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23046768 323-806-2002 Old Top/Mully Orange Lite tbd Agoura/Topanga 45.5 4,048 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23046768 Old Top/Mully Gold Sharon 818-519-8694 Erbes/Grimes Cyn 41 2,320 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/13832110 Lisa 818-535-0862 Pederson Sunday June 23rd @8:30 am Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map RED Alfonzo Grimes 42 2,500 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30325803 Orange 787-240-1332 Out N Back Social Kay Agoura/Kanan 21 1,203 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29210287 818-419-1172 Westlake Question of the week: Should I wash my helmet? Absolutely! It may not improve your performance, but will smell better, look better, and last longer. The straps can break down faster if salt from sweat and other liquids get into the fabric. I wash mine once a week. After your ride bring it in the shower with you. Rinse it off then let it sit while you take care of the rest of your business. Then use shampoo on the straps and pads and rinse thoroughly. Let it sit and air dry in a warm place, but not in the direct sunlight. When you put it on for the next ride notice that clean fresh scent. Safety Tip of the Week: Be aware of vehicles-Many collisions occur when a cyclist is on the inside of a vehicle which is turning right. Don’t assume the vehicle is going straight ahead just because it isn’t signaling right. Always avoid ‘undertaking’ any vehicle in this situation – it’s better to hang back until the vehicle has moved past. Never cycle along the inside of large vehicles, such as trucks and buses, especially at intersections, where most accidents happen. When turning right, a truck will often pull out to the left first, creating a wide gap between the vehicle and the curb. Many cyclists think it’s safe to ride into this space, but this is a dangerous place to be as the gap quickly disappears when the truck swings around to the right. When riding with us: · wear helmets and ensure your bike is in good working order · stay in bike lanes and no more than two abreast on them; single file otherwise · not overlap wheels · descend carefully! Look out for debris, animals, potholes, tight bends, and slick spots · pass slower riders on the left · ride predictably: signal when changing lines and call out hazards · avoid bunching up · respect all traffic rules and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians · always use proper hand signals to indicate to drivers and other riders your intentions · we are a "rules of the road" cycling club · Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride -- Taylor Hodoose 805-390-2200