| Saturday Away Ride Schedule Start time is 8:30am. We are riding Carpenteria, Santa Barbara and Montecito. Come join the beautiful experience. Start location is Padaro Beach Grill 3765 Santa Claus Ln. Carpenteria, Ca.93013. 101 N exit Padaro Ln. and turn left. Next turn left on Santa Claus Ln. Red/Orange 52 / 2940 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33810138 Orange Light 42 / 2542 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33823232 Gold 34 / 1423 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35004345 Mellow Yellow 27 / 916 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33994910 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Wehave two Saturday local rides for those not making the Away Ride Starttime is 8:30am. RockStore, Upper Encinal, Top of the World 32 /3348 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35850976 RockStore Loop 22 / 2013 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/6811384 ReminderRide Leaders Meeting all invited September the 23rd. Afterlast Sunday Ride of the Month Coffee at the Hub, sponsored by the Hub. September the 26th. Bi-Weekly Thursday MTB Ride,5:30 pm sharp Thisweek we’re going to ride Las Virgenes Canyon and Lasky Mesa Meetat the North end of Las Virgenes Rd at Cul de sac. Bring your light. Location: | | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | MTB Bi-Weekly | Kent 818-802-0826 | Las Virgines & Lasky Mesa | 11 | 950 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34585766 | Saturday Road Rides, September 11th @ 8:00 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | Red | Kent 818-802-0826 | | | | See Saturday Away Schedule | | Orange | Donna 805-444-0159 | | | | See Saturday Away Schedule | | Orange Light | Steve 818-426-1649 | | | | See Saturday Away Schedule | | Gold | Lisa 818-535-0862 Greg 773-405-4614 | | | | See Saturday Away Schedule | | Mellow Yellow | Tex 805-746-5713 | | | | See Saturday Away Schedule | Sunday Road &Gravel Rides, September 12th @ 8:30 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | GO / RO | Richard 661-803-4575 | Agoura-Chesebro Erbes-Olson-Lynn Greenmeadow | 34 | 2243 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37117793 | | Gravel | Rob | None Scheduled | | | | | Sunday Fun Day | Jack | Agoura-Chesebro Kanan-Westlake Hillcrest- Old Conejo | 20 | 1213 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36859831 | When riding with us, you will: · Use helmetsand bike lanes! Call out hazards and ride predictably. · Avoid bunching up; don’t overlap wheels. · Keep a prudent distance and ride single file on narrow roads. · Ensure your bike is in good working order. · Descend carefully! · Pass slower riders on the left and signal when changinglines. · Respect traffic laws and the rights of motor vehicles,cyclists, and pedestrians. · If the weather is inclement, we will cancel ALL rides. Ride Director Richard Paul Aguilar 661-803-4575Rpainsurance@sbcglobal.net