Hey CVC! It is time! Time for what? Time for our new club kit! 5 years have gone by quick and we have been in the planning stages since last summer and now is the time! A great team has worked together through trial and error and success to bring you 4 amazing choices to vote on! You will take this ONE question survey with the attached link and you will select your favorite style. As you know, you may not be guaranteed that what you have voted on will win. But remember, YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Once we select the most voted upon jersey, we will finish up with our coordinating bib and shorts and accessories. The thought on shorts is black with a leg band of coordinating color from the jersey. I anticipate in the next few weeks we will have a full range of samples that you will be highly encouraged to try on for size and you will go home to purchase your items in a secure on line store.
From there, it is about 6-8 weeks once we place an order, so by summer, we will be looking real good!
We have 3 designs but a few of the designs are offered in different colors. One has multi color, but is the same design, so we left it in as a 4th option since it is so totally different. It is hard to imagine a flat jersey looking good, but try to picture the jersey filled out in dimension. They will look much better on! Please see the link and choose one. You will not be putting them in an order and you will not be choosing your color today. Some slight adjustments to the style may be made such as sleeve band size, etc. If you have questions or comments, please email me. Be sure to click the link below for your vote! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vFUNKmFliqPNYEm0Udi60lU1moj-pEGQP1GbmjUQFuQ... Let's end this vote by SuperTuesday, March 3rd. Thank you, -- Sheri