Hello CVC riders. As Kent always says, "ride with your head on a swivel". This past weekend, I was riding along PCH from Deer Creek south to Latigo. While beach parking lots were not open, there were an extraordinary amount of people parked along PCH heading to the beach. They were not paying attention while parallel parking or pulling out. Surf boards, chairs, towels, dogs.... When I finally reached Latigo, I felt like I had been puckered up the whole trip. I recommend staying off PCH. In addition, the canyons are busier as well. I was passed by cars heading up Little Sycamore, on Yerba, even Cothrain. Traffic in the canyons has increased by 10 fold. I expect this holiday weekend to crazy. Be cautious, and assume no one can see you. -- Taylor Hodoose 805-390-2200