Hey All you CVC'rs, CVC, you are an amazing group of people AND riders. The main reasons people give for engaging in road cycling are for fun, exercise, and socializing. For those even more passionate about cycling, serving as a volunteer leader offers opportunities to get more involved in ride leadership, route planning, safety education, cycling advocacy and event planning. These activities enrich the riding experience! The core volunteer leadership team is uniquely engaged in sharing the joy of road biking with fellow riders- some who have been ringing for years, and others who are just discovering this incredible activity. Our ride leaders, rides, and events create a remarkable sense of community and encouragement to others in a whole different way. As I said, you do not need to be the strongest and fastest rider to be a ride leader. Your role is to ensure everyone feels welcome before, during, and after the ride. A positive attitude, a good route and an eye for safety is what you need. Come find out what it is all about! Share your ideas, share your leadership and share in some collaboration with others. We would love to have you come join the ride leaders meeting even if it is just a thought right now. Please let me know if you can come to the meeting on Thursday at 5:30 (plan is to keep it to an hour). Find out what the leaders do, what is expected, what guidelines we have and find out how you can help your club out. Share in the love for sure! -- Sheri