This came from Mike M. (one of our members) Workmen have been constructing new barriers/gates just inside the lower and upper concrete barriers. When they are complete, the concrete barriers will be removed. The barrier arrangements consist of a wire mesh fence, with wide lockable gates to permit authorized cars and trucks to drive through, plus a narrow opening through which pedestrians can pass, and through which we will be able to ride our bikes, or walk them through if one prefers not riding through narrow gaps. The barrier arrangements consist of a wire mesh fence, with wide lockable gates to permit authorized cars and trucks to drive through, plus a narrow opening through which pedestrians can pass, and through which we will be able to ride our bikes, or walk them through if one prefers not riding through narrow gaps. The good news…..no more having to lift our bikes over the concrete barriers. The bad news is that the gaps as currently constructed are wide enough for motorcycles to get through. Possibly the workers will fit a low step over bar.At present the sign says that Rock Store is closed to motorized traffic and that pedestrians and cyclists may proceed “at their own risk”. (That refers to the few places where there were mud slides and the road is down to a single lane, and one place where the road is dirt…literally only for a few feet though). l don’t know if the Department of Transport intends to continue to limit access to motorcycles. If there are motorcycles with no cars, those guys are going to be riding even crazier than usual, and we’ll have to be very alert to what’s going on. And Taylor added: Also be aware there are people walking up and down Rock store who are not paying attention to which side of the road they are on. Be careful while descending, you may find someone directly in your path. And I will add to that.... there are many people on bikes around Westlake, (going around the lake) who are helmetless and most important to note... they are IN THE BIKE LANE on the WRONG side of the street going in the WRONG direction. Please be careful in this time of our lives when people who do not normally ride, are riding... AND ONE MORE THING... many of you are still meeting in the parking lot at the Landing... please be aware of what could be perceived as "congregating" . This is not a place you want to be seen doing that. We have been starting our rides there as a privilege and we do not want people thinking CVC is abusing this and then we lose our ride start location for the whole club. We have been asking over and over not to park against the wall but in addition to that, we never want to lose our ride start location by being THE CLUB who breaks social distancing rules by congregating before being allowed to do so. Thanks, Stay Safe, -- Sheri