Dear CVC, This coming weekend, the club will participate in the unofficial annual Nosco Ride. The ride will leave from Trek Bicycles, Westlake Village at 8:00 on Saturday morning, November 2nd, from the BACK of the shop. Address<https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sca_esv=c95d8eee31fd0561&q=trek+westlake+address&ludocid=17702200220106326860&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbz_2V-a-JAxUWEUQIHfkNC-8Q6BN6BAhKEAI>: 3835 E Thousand Oaks Blvd Units E & F, Westlake Village, CA 91362 This will be an "unsupported" ride, so bring your own drinks and snacks. Trek will have an unofficial water stop on the top of Mullholland if you are doing a route that passes it. You are welcome to do any/all or part of whatever route you like but you will need to be SELF-SUPPORTED Jack Nosco will be there to roll the ride out. Although there is no "official" ride this year, they would like to support the only recipient, Shelby (Flora) Balsley as she deals with Pancreatic Cancer. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made through www.mikenosco.com<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mikenosco.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR39tQkeV6CB_YVVvdYy51_ZwTvuDjJtPaJQOwqw-eVR4esOM4EA8vmlgJQ_aem_XtTZN0SzrEvtXM07r2Tigw&h=AT0bsZxrVoC07zPUq1s7IzW60-sLMp0sPPxhodt3T_cyZJ3oK423Lm6vMrpylUoF0-pepS-LQokNr_xQuEb9M81bsNLMnB9YLFybgyHEr61qvJGNWfMWxfKy9UQalPicAg&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT2OfThTV-M9Doe4r7d_NyU2f2TEcMqm16fdl66zqEoR8ubDY2SJPheRLqbn7iE2TNXyAKMe6iM63e3JU1Sp_Jp8KIISO9gKZigxMrGZFFgiv9MoTTvrug0vONYUFkj50SQCNn_F4hD2M1NisSTP3qEZEcUMurVwzrQ8O8k4dGy23Eo-xGxvRacyT98erXJH2hyegVn1PY5uBnoZqblGFIgwWcugotcelgJg9u95zCdtVmkFcSOED3XERixeq22Fa50cEXponOYrAvDfrxzCWfc9PNSY6OQ> The Nosco ride has been a long-standing tradition in our community. So, let's go out and ride and have some fun while happily suffering with a challenge. There will be four routes offered, and if you want to do another variation, go ahead! There will be no ride leaders, but you will find plenty of riders to follow! Here are some routes for you to choose from. Our routes may have a slightly different start, but you make your choices depending on your roll out time. There is a short route, but if you want to go even shorter, you have the option. You know where to go! https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37867845 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37868436 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37834917 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37867937