WHAT: The Inaugural Newbury Park Cronies Ride @ 5:30 p.m. Sheri and Kent will lead our ride this week. They created a scenic route for us that takes us out for a tour around Dos Vientos, and then heads up above the freeway for a lollipop loop on wide bike lanes back to Cronies. WHEN: Thursday August 14, 2014 ROUTE: Thursdays Cronies Ride AFTER THE RIDE: Join your cycling friends for food and the refreshment of your choice at Cronies @ 7 p.m. RSVP: Please do RSVP to my email, hatoolah@msn.com, by Wednesday evening, August 13. I need a final headcount for the reservation. Many thanks to those who have already RSVP'd. DIRECTIONS: Ride start is at the Cronies parking lot, 1620 Newbury Road, Newbury Park. DISTANCE: 21.6 miles. PACE: This is an intermediate level ride. The group includes mixed paces averaging 13 - 15+ mph. QUESTIONS: Email or call Sherrie at hatoolah@msn.com / 908.432.3480 NO DROPS: The leader will sweep behind the group or wait ahead at strategic points/turns along the route, as needed, so nobody gets left behind. Faster riders who are familiar with the course and who prefer to ride ahead are encouraged to do so; they need not wait at regroup points. SAFETY NOTES: 1. A helmet is mandatory. 2. I.D., water or sports drink, a snack, cell phone. 3. Have on your bike or person everything you need to change a flat: spare tube(s), CO2 cartridges or hand pump, patch kit. 4. Please do not call out “clear” at intersections and turns. 5. If you hear someone call out “clear” while approaching a turn or intersection, or anywhere else for that matter, please disregard it and make your own decision about the safety status of the turn or intersection. 6. If you start with the group but decide to cut the ride short or take a different route, please let me know. CVC Inclement Weather Policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. Regards, Sherrie Felton