CVC Members: This month is our first of the year CVC Member's Meeting *Wednesday, 3-28-12 @ 7:00pm* * Westlake Community Room* ( same room as last year's meetings - next to Westlake Library & City Hall) 31220 Oak Crest Dr., Westlake Village, CA. (off Agoura Rd.) http://g.co/maps/vfhjw *Agenda:* * * 1) *Mitch Albo - President* Introduction of New 2012 CVC Board of Directors Personnel 2012 Goals & Plans: Member's Activities, Race Team, etc. 2) *Jim Doane - CVC Member & Caitlin Steel - Treasurer* Club Corporate Status review with proposed new club bylaws review & voting 2011 Club Financial Review 3) *Lee Cole - Cruisin' the Conejo Director* Update on event: Jersey design finalized Marketing & vendor plans 4) *Members Discussion:* 2012 Cruisin' the Conejo discussion Club Membership Benefits Club Rides & Away Rides We'd appreciate your meeting attendance, energy and participation in helping lead our club to a successful 2012. -- Mitch Albo Conejo Valley Cyclists President