Hi All Following up on my previous emails about the Cool Breeze rides (38, 63, 102,125 miles) in Ventura as our August Away Rides for this coming Saturday ... The Channel Islands Bike Club's website: cibike.org states : " the ride is full but will have "day of", on site registrations available for $85." So if you're not already registered on line and wish to ride this ride, I assume that you'll be able to register that morning. RE: a CVC group start time for the various ride lengths : Because this is a FOUR ride route event with a lot of participants, it is difficult to get everyone together for a group start because there are those waiting in line for registration, bathroom, etc. while others are ready to go. The most efficient & objective way I've decided is to announce a start time & place and trust we'll do what we can to be there on time and ride together: The Ride Start location is on the driveway in front of the Registration Bldg. - probably best place to group & watch for others is on the South Side Ride Start Times: Inevitably there are those that have already decided upon their own personal start times but since we are a group, I'll propose the following Double Metric 7:00am Century : 7:15am Metric: 7:30am 38 : 8:00am The best way to find each other either at the start or mid-ride is to wear your CVC Club clothing At the rest stops is another way to find other club members Driving tip: Trying to exit at Stanley Ave. off the Northbound #33 is very backed up near ride time Two alternatives: 1) Go to the next exit: Shell Rd. - then drive back South on Ventura Ave to Right on Stanley Ave. 2) Exit #101 at California St. in Ventura - drive over to Ventura Ave. and then North to Left on Stanley Ave. See you in Ventura on Saturday, 8-20-11 Jim Doane - CVC Sec/Red Ride Leader