Hi CVC'rs, Well once in a while we have to pay the weather piper for the amazing year-round riding conditions we get to enjoy. And it looks like this will be a payment weekend. And hopefully, we get a nice amount of badly needed rain out of this if we can't ride our bikes (except for you die-hards out there). Stay dry! We are still announcing the local rides just in case it doesn't rain on us, but the CVC Inclement Weather policy will be in full effect this weekend. Reminder: We are still looking for volunteers for Cruisin the Conejo coming up on May 5th. We will need help on both Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. Contact Sheri Leiken, our Volunteer Coordinator, if you want to get involved. Since the weather just doesn't want to cooperate with our ride schedule, we had to cancel this month’s away ride to Santa Clarita. Look for Jim's post soon for next month’s away offering. Keep in mind that with the new Ride Team Format, you will still see the rides posted by the individual Captains, and lead by the Ride Captain *or* another Ride Team Leader. *Everyone is invited and encouraged to take part in leading and assisting the rides, just contact the ride Captain and they will tell you all you need to know.* Below is a re-cap of the rides this weekend and next week. See the ride Captains individual posts on the mailing list for more information. Also, please see the club's* Inclement Weather Policy* at the bottom of this announcement. Saturday: 8:30am Start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. · Purple: Old Agoura loop CCW with Beth · Gold: Agoura/North Ranch/LaGranada loop with Ken · Orange: Wood Ranch/Lost Canyon GC Loop with Norm · Red: Rock Store/Upper Encinal/Little Sycamore and back with Jim Sunday: 9:00am start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. · Purple: Old Agoura Loop CW with Mike L · Social: Norwegian Grade/Read Rd Bypass with Dale Next Week: · Tuesday Night 6PM MTB Ride with Kent: See announcement on Monday · Tuesday and Thursday Gold and Red Rides · Sheri's Wednesday Afternoon Landing Ride: See Announcement on Monday Soon: - Jan's Thursday Picnic Ride -Look for announcements in the next few weeks - CVC Vintage and Classic Bike Ride-coming in April Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. See y'all out on the road and trail! Kent Koral Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists *818-802-0826* <818-802-0826>