Second error of evening... I think you saw that coming. Corrected Date Change- (this will not interfere with Yom Kippur ) Sept 23rd if the date of the Ride Leaders Meeting. Hi CVC!
All of you are invited and encouraged to participate in our upcoming Ride Leaders Meeting. Come hear about how you can help support your volunteer run club and be involved! See what it takes as we are looking to add ride leaders to the present roster. We have some upcoming changes coming your way and would love you to be a part of them!
Ride leaders are the heart and soul of the club and we look forward to seeing many more of you involved!. On* Wednesday, September 23rd at 5:30-7 at our home*. (Will send address with RSVP), we are going to have a ride leaders meeting. (this will be in the backyard) This meeting is for *existing* ride leaders and any one of you who have thought about leading a CVC ride and want to find out more. Even if you can only lead occasionally, we still want you involved. If we have more leaders, we can spread the fun around. Come on out, have some fun, and see what you can do to become more involved in your club.
Please RSVP!
-- Sheri Leiken CVC President
-- Sheri