Hi All, This week, the Orange riders Will hit the Topanga/Old Topanga Route. Agoura Rd-Las Virgenes-Mureau Rd-Calabasas Park-Mulholland-Topanga Canyon-Old Topanga Canyon and back Mulholland to Cornell and Agoura rd. It ends up being a 46 miler with around 4400' of climbing. If you want to see the complete route in detail and print out a route slip, go to: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/203070 As usual, we will meet at the Citibank parking lot at 8:30and have our pre-ride announcements prior to splitting into our groups and departing. The Orange ride is an intermediate/advanced recreational ride 40 to 50 miles in length with an average pace of 15+mph. It is not a "no drop ride" but as always let's try to stick together and have a fun,safe ride. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. After the ride, please join us at one of the many refueling options available at the finish. *Now that the new Sprouts market is opening soon, we need to be careful to only park in the area of the lot near Westlake Bl. Please do not park in any of the spots between the middle drive aisle and the stores. Not doing so could affect our ability to park in this lot.* See you on Saturday Kent Koral CVC Ride Director (818) 802-0826