Hey CVCrs, Since this will be our penultimate Tuesday CVC MTB ride for the winter, I thought we would do something fun. We’re going to ride the Lang Ranch area. It’s mostly fire roads with one singletrack section. But the really fun part is that we are going to meet at Sapwi Comminty park and ride the Sapwi bike park! There is something for everybody to play on there and it is great practice for your MTB skills. I’ll give you all a personal tour of the place and get you started. We are going to ride the bike park from 5 to 6 PM, and then go on our loop, which is obviously shorter than normal. We will meet in the Sapwi Community Park parking lot off of Westlake Boulevard at Rainfield Ave. When you pull off of Westlake Boulevard, make sure you turn right and park in the lower parking lot. The bike park is past the yellow gate and down the hill. You’ll be able to see it easily. As usual make sure your lights are charged, and you have your spares and water. You will also need a tail light for this ride as we will be on the streets for a portion of the ride. Looking forward to seeing you out there for this fun opportunity! https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35218325 http://sapwibikepark.com/ Kent Koral (818) 802-0826