On May 5th, 2018, Conejo Valley Cyclists will hold the 2nd Edition of our annual fundraiser, the CVC Picnic, Ride & Benefit. As we begin planning this year’s fundraiser, your club leaders are turning to you, its members, to help lead the way in choosing which charitable organizations CVC should donate to. As cyclists, our reasons for riding are many: beautiful scenery, managing stress, achieving goals, staying fit, socializing, along with many other reasons. But, the goal of our Picnic, Ride & Benefit is not only to ride for the reasons listed, but to ride for the purposes of giving back. CVC has set this special day aside and encourages all its members to participate and help give back to the local community and the sport we all love. Because YOU are the ones who make this ride what it is, we need your input. You will soon receive a survey from CVC & Survey Monkey with several important questions we need answered. The board has narrowed down charities that our club can support for our Club Picnic and Benefit Ride and we need to narrow it down to two. As a reminder, CVC is a 501c3 (tax exempt) charitable organization; our main purpose is to promote cycling. Please keep this in mind when ranking the charities included in the survey. We need every member to respond and answer all the questions. Thank you so much, Sheri Leiken CVC President Henry Montalvo Board of Directors/Marketing Kent Koral Director of Charitable Events