Hello CVC Riders, June is around the corner and this marks the beginning of our Summer Pub Rides. For those of you who do not know what Summer Pub Rides are, this ride is a weekly weekday ride where we begin from a different eating/social establishment each week. We generally meet at 5:30. It is fun to socialize and refresh after the ride on those warm summer evenings. This has been a traditional favorite of many and we hope to continue to make it great this year as well. Some come for just the socializing, some have their significant others meet us after the ride, and some just ride, and others, well, they ride, eat, and re-hydrate and enjoy ALL the fun times throughout the summer. I am gathering a quick survey as to the time and would prefer to do this through survey monkey so that it does the tabulating for me. Please fill out the quick survey as soon as possible so that a decision on dates can be made and announced. Thanks so much, Sheri Leiken CVC President https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PB69JJK