That’s crazy and stupid on someone’s part. From: Sheri L via announce <> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2025 12:10 PM To: jerry <> Cc: CVC Announcements: <> Subject: [cvc announce] NOT COOL This came from a member: I saw a disappointing sight on Saturday. I was driving down Moorpark Rd at about 1:30pm and noticed a CVC rider approaching Wilbur Rd. I thought, "cool, I will say hi if we come to the light together." As we approached, he got in the left turn lane right next to me at the red light. I was about to roll down my window and say hi, but he continued into the intersection, on the red light, waited for some traffic to pass while literally in the middle of the intersection and then went left against the light. Another car who had the right-of-way had to stop and let him go. Unbelievable. Dangerous and a terrible representation of our club. What a disappointment that was. One of the reasons I really like our club is because of the safety rules and good reputation that we try to present to the community. Anyway, just thought I'd pass it along.