Hi Gang, OK, whats with the weather?! It rained last weekend, then it was nice during the week except for some wind. But, of course most of us don't get to enjoy the weekdays since it now gets dark at 5pm (OK, we wont complain much about that since we rode MTB 2 nights this week...if you haven't already, you need to come out and ride with us, or sneak in a Wednesday afternoon weekday road ride with Sheri). Now it looks like it will be wet again tomorrow :((. But just in case the weather people are wrong, and that pesky cut-off low moves way off shore, here's what we got for ya... Below is a re-cap of the rides this weekend and next week. See the ride leaders individual posts on the mailing list for more information. *Please note the club's inclement weather policy below.* Saturday: 8:30am Start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. - Purple: Hidden Valley out/back with Beth - Gold: Cold Canyon/Monte Nido with Norm - Orange: Stunt out/back with Kent - Red: Somis/Balcom/Grimes with Jim Sunday: 9:00am start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot at Westlake Bl and Agoura Rd. - Purple: Old Agoura loop with John - Social: Norwegian Grade/Read Bypass with Adam Next Week: - Tuesday Night 6PM MTB Ride: See announcement on Sunday - Sheri's Wednesday Afternoon Landing Ride: See Announcement on Monday Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. See y'all out on the road and trail! Kent Koral Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists 818-802-0826