CVC RIDE PREVIEW July 12-July 17 -UPCOMING- Vintage Bike Ride-Sunday, July 20 -RIDES FOR THIS WEEK- It is the individual cyclist’s responsibility to know the route, either by printed out route slip, or downloaded to their GPS. Saturday: 8:30am at Leo Carrillo State Beach Please note the earlier start time! Coastal Coffee Away Ride: Red, Orange, Gold-Leaders: Gary Silver, Jerry Scott, Jim Doane, Cam Young Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5179515 Ride stats: 69 miles, a Metric Century (plus a little more), 1100 feet elevation mostly on the coast highway rollers. This will be a combination ride and we will all start out together. As the ride progresses, the ride leaders will spread out along the route according to their prospective groups. Since this is a longer ride than usual, and new territory for some, we will do our best to insure all riders have a fun and safe ride and be in contact with one another. We will be seeing the coast, farm fields, suburbia, and marinas. There is a Wienerschnitzel that we can get water at about 21 miles (noted on route slip) and at Emma Wood on the turnaround before heading to The Sandbox Coffeehouse (noted on route slip). For those who choose not to do the entire route, there is a Starbucks at about mile 22 (noted on route slip) if you’d like to get coffee and snacks before turning around. For those wanting to do a full Century, check in with Jerry Scott at the ride start. Ride start location link: Leo Carrillo Parking at start: There is free parking on PCH, but make sure it’s not in the red. The paint may be pretty faded, but it’s still considered “No Parking”. There is all day parking in the lots right off PCH. I think it’s a $12 charge so bring cash. We will group for the start in the closest lot. Coastal Coffee Away Ride: Purple**-Leader: Bill Sietsema Route is the same as above but will start farther North. Mileage for this is approximately 44 miles. Ride start location link: Naval Missile Park Text Directions: From the 101, exit Lewis Road. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp and then right again on Lewis Road. Continue on Lewis Road for 4.5 miles, where it crosses Potrero and becomes Hueneme. After another 2 miles, turn left on Wood Road and continue for another mile. Just after you cross the PCH you will see the missile park ahead. There are about 8 parking spaces there. Westlake local Rides: 8:30am at The Landing Parking lot There will be no ride leaders, please organize yourselves. I suggest a ride through Hidden Valley, over and around Dos Vientos. Sunday: 9am from The Landing parking lot G.O.-Leader: Dale Smith Route link: Social Ride-Leader: Kay Fields Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2873884 Tuesday: The Landing parking lot Gold/Orange-5:15pm-Leader: Dale Smith for Rock Store Ride. Racer Ride-5:30pm-Leader: Jonathan Woodbury for the Rock Store 'n more ride. MTB Ride-5:30pm-Location and route TBA. Check your emails for announcement early in the week. Wednesday: 3:45pm at The Landing parking lot Landing Ride-Discontinued until the Fall. Thursday: 5:30pm Go Thursday Ride**-Sherrie Felton leads a late afternoon ride from the small park on Triunfo west of the tennis courts across the lake from The Landing. Check your emails for announcement early in the week. Red Ride-From the Landing parking lot. Leader: Jonathan Woodbury, up Westlake Bl. and Little Sycamore. Routes may vary from week to week so check your emails for announcement. MTB Ride-Location and route TBA. Check your emails for announcement early in the week. ** This is considered a "no drop" ride. The ride leader will keep an eye on everyone. No one is left behind. All rides not asterisked are considered a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). If you get to a regrouping spot and no one is there, consider yourself dropped. As always we will try to stick together & have a fun safe ride. We will regroup regularly to allow everyone a chance to ride together. If for any reason you leave a group ride, please pass along the information to the ride leader. It is mandatory to have & wear a helmet. It is the rider's responsibility to ensure that the helmet is in good condition (check expiration on helmet inner tag) and that your bike is in working condition as well. That’s all for now, folks. Have a great week! Cameron “Cam” Young CVC Ride Director 805-217-6659 Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.