Dear Cruisin' the Conejo Volunteers, I can't thank you enough for volunteering your time and energy to help "Cruisin' The Conejo" run smoothly. We have heard so many stories of people having incredible rides, and how wonderful all of the people involved were.
From the muscle power setting up Friday afternoon, (Lou, Martin, David, Jerry, Glenn, Bill, Matt, Dennis, Craig P.) to the registration team run by Cathy, and our strong arm Brenda, Lois for helping with our set up.. The great people registering and handing out jerseys and t shirts, the raffle ticket sales, the ever important rest stops..(Congrats to Beth, Cathy, Ken, for doing a great job on their inaugural runs ) And thank you Greeters, Kathy Lowery, Jeanne, and Teri!!! You got them going!
I can't emphasize enough, GREAT JERSEY Glenn! SO happy to see it live and on the riders. Looked so good! Great design! My thanks to the CVC booth, run by Sheila and Janet. Sheila staying to the biter end. Loved watching some of you take off on your rides after working, in your new jerseys, spreading your joy of riding with our Cruisin' riders. Thanks Kay, Lisa, Tex, Lois, Scott... There are so many people to thank for the success of Cruisin', from the leadership and head honcho, at the top, Lee Cole, to my incredible husband who stands beside him, (and me), Kent Koral and the endless hours you both put into planning and driving this successful event, to Henry Montalvo for his continued support and all his work in the marketing and logistics, to the team leaders, Beth, Cathy, Ken Reed at SAG, Cam for the hours road marking, Dale Smith, for running all over the place, to the numerous people who volunteered at registration, including Bobby and George who started off sorting t shirts and jerseys, to raffle ticket sales led by expert Harlene, and carried on during the beer hours with Russ. Tex, so nice to meet you, welcome to our club! Thanks for helping us with registration and ticket sales! Thank you to those that got up early, John Caffrey, David Persons, Janet Davis, Mark, you got our riders parked, set and safely off! And again, thank you early birds for your help with set up, with registration, and all you did! Phil, wow, a full day. Hope you got a Jacuzzi, and Congrats on your VIP race tickets this coming weekend! Oh my gosh, after being exhausted, thank you to those that helped with clean up! We got to go to sleep because of you! Jerry's son, Kent's son. on and on. Richard, David, Henry, Phil, Dale, John, Lee, so many! And Jim Doane, the raffle expert, stalwart, you name it; you make Cruisin' the fun it is! Kept our day going and going. and thanking those that helped you , Steve!!!! And so many others! Not to mention again, my non-trained, expert Master of Ceremonies, of the day, hour and event, Kent Koral! You made it come alive. Who taught you the Macarena? Or Was it Brian? Thanks to Caitlin, our treasurer who was there at hand with all we needed to make the day run smooth. Thank you! Joyce, loved the cycling jewelry.. Would love to see a website where our club can turn to when they want to wear a beautiful piece! The CVC signs were great. To those that put themselves out at rest stops all the way to Moorpark, Camarillo, and in-between, thank you David N., Lance, Jack, Mike, Don, Harlene, Lance, Connie, John, Teri, Jerry, Lou, Mark, Scott, Jack T. Sue, Melissa, Vernon, Martin, for driving out there, for representing our club, for making riders feel special, and for your team spirit. You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you RACE TEAM and others led by Ken Reed, for handling SAG and all that involves. For handling tired riders, flats, and every other issue. I hear the hit of the day was the Jr. Ride led by Michael Levy, and others who helped. I was on the road at the time, so I know there were others involved. Marty? That was a huge success. And thanks to George and the Lux Pro Development team for being such gracious hosts to our Jr. Tour riders. Sung Chang ends it all by entering all of the names into our database. Yikes, I could go on and on.. And if I am not naming you, please forgive me, please know, I am thanking every one of you. You make our club what it is. a club that brings us together for this once a year event, which requires the work of so many to help so many. So great to be able to work together. I feel proud to be part of the Conejo Valley Cyclists, and am so very thankful for the giving of time by each and every one of you. Sincerely, Sheri Leiken Volunteer Coordinator/Membership