Dear CVC, As many of you may have heard, we lost our former Ride Director and friend, Bart Ziegler. This is posted from his son: I regret to inform you all that Bart has passed away this morning 10/28/21, around 8:45am. Rest In Peace. I ask that if you have any questions please reach out to my Facebook profile, Tristan Casadei I would also like any of you who have pictures of Bart through his life to either post here on his page with some words, or DM them directly to me. He was a man who gave so much love, so I am sure many of you returned that love and are feeling a great deal of pain now. Just know that he is free now, and in a place full of love and understanding. Following is a summary of his last weeks here with us. As most of you know, Bart was a fighter. A man who never gave up easily. But after attempting to recover from his 3rd heart attack, his body was just put under too much stress. His heart was mostly dead and functioning at only 10%, creating a slippery slope of other health issues including kidney and liver failure. The original plan of getting a heart transplant failed due to a multitude of reasons, and the pain in his body became too great for an attempted recovery. After I arrived On Sunday 10/24, Bart refused life sustaining treatments and asked for comfort management for his way out. On Tuesday 10/26 he was moved into a beautiful hospice facility, Cottage of the Meadows, in Yakima, Washington. His closest relatives were able to visit him here, and say their final goodbyes as he faded away. He had no pain or discomfort in his last days, only love and support. I will post updates regarding plans for his memorial celebration. I ask today that you take a moment to reflect and reminisce on any memories you have with Bart, and send love to him in his after life. Much Love, Tristan