Hi All: I'm back to lead a Westlake Red Ride this Saturday Why don't we try this ride that I previously suggested: Saturday, 6-18th CVC Red Ride: 8:30am Westlake Citibank Parking lot (NE Corner Agoura Rd. & Westlake Blvd.) Westlake-Mulholland-PCH-Decker Canyon-Westlake AKA: Decker up and Decker back Ride out of Sprouts Market parking lot Right on Townsgate Right on LakeView Canyon Left ( East) on Agoura Rd. Right on Triunfo Canyon Rd. Left on Westlake/Decker to Mulholland Hwy (1st re-group - top of Westlake Blvd/Mulholland) Across Mulholland Hwy to PCH descent ( 7.5 mi. mostly descending) ( 2nd re-group - Leo Carrillo campground entrance) PCH eastbound ( can cross under PCH by using walkway from Leo Carrillo parking lot) Back up Decker Canyon/Mulholland Hwy Descend Decker Canyon/Westlake Blvd. Around the lake - Triunfo/Lindero Canyon Blvd. West on Agoura Rd ( ride cautiously around Westlake Street Fair) back to start Jim Doane - CVC Sec/Red Ride Leader