HELP!!! CVC Riders, we need you! CVC, Here is where we are short for our Cruisin Charity Ride: Friday night: raffle ticket sales. most of these riders want to buy tickets on the spot. 1 more person for registration Saturday Morning: Greeter SAG! Someone to work the registration table for those walking up SAG! Later Morning: Mullholland Rest Stop-Imagine your first, second or third climb, you want water and encouragement! CVC Membership Booth in the afternoon-help with the transactions of the day. Raffle tickets-lunch time sales.. Busy! Can't make money if there is no one selling tickets! Afternoon Popsicle Stop, -you will make hot and tired riders very happy! SAG! Driving to help those in need! SAG! Please sign up on Volunteer Spot Click and or copy and paste this link. http://vols.pt/UfgRL5 Thanks, Sheri