WHAT: CVC GO Thursday Ride from Cronies Sports Grill in Newbury ParkWHEN: Thursday July 16 @ 5:30 PMROUTE: Cronies RideRIDE LEADERS: Kent Koral and Sheri LeikenAFTER THE RIDE: Join your cycling friends for food and the refreshment of your choice at Cronies @ 7 p.m.RSVP: Please RSVP to Sheri Leiken at ohsheri2005@sbcglobal.net if you will joining us at Cronies after the ride. This helps us not to under- or over-book seating for our group.DIRECTIONS: Ride start is at the Cronies parking lot, 1620 Newbury Road, Newbury Park.DISTANCE: 19 miles. PACE: This is an intermediate level ride. The group includes mixed paces averaging 13 - 15+ mph.QUESTIONS: Email Sheri at ohsheri2005@sbcglobal.netSAFETY NOTES: 1. A helmet is mandatory. 2. Bring I.D., water or sports drink, a snack, cell phone.3. Have on your bike or person everything you need to change a flat: spare tube(s), CO2 cartridges or hand pump, patch kit.4. Please do not call out “clear” at intersections and turns. 5. If you hear someone call out “clear” while approaching a turn or intersection, please do look and make your own decision about the safety status of the turn or intersection. 6. If you start with the group but decide to cut the ride short or take a different route, please let us know.