Hi All, Here is a recap of my last email! Thanks to all of you who responded. There is still plenty of time to RSVP, but we DO need to get some help. I have not heard from anyone with regards to grilling, or set up or clean up crew. We can't have a picnic without you and your volunteering. This is a no host picnic, so it is up to you! Please see the "what is needed" section of the invite to sign up for something and please let me know if you are willing to volunteer to help! We need everyone! Join us for this summer mixer! SO FUN! Held at Deerhill Park. We have 2 pavilions reserved. There are basketball courts · Playground and swings available. AND there is also pickleball. (If you have paddles and balls, come try them out!) We will have a few as well. Your kids are also invited. We will have tables to put food on, and there may be extra seating, but you may want to bring your own lawn chairs and/or blankets. Please see the list on the attached evite so you know what is needed. Please volunteer to be a griller. We also need someone who can set up music. Will also need a set up and clean up crew. And if you are creative and want to lead some games, let me know that too. Please send me an email. Please feel free to bring your adult drinks of choice. *Invite: http://evite.me/EZrXrfUtSY <http://evite.me/EZrXrfUtSY>* -- Sheri