We'll try the Hidden Valley route again this week...it got aborted due to really heavy winds last week. (3 of us showed up...) It's suppposed to be a lot warmer and nicer tomorrow evening! Thursday, April 14th, 5:30 p.m. (Around-the-lakers can start at any time - picnic @ ~7:00) Westlake Village Start (directions below) Route: Hidden Valley - Triunfo to Westlake to Potrero, Lake Sherwood Drive, Potrero, Hidden Valley Road and same way back, and around Westlake lake on return...approximately 20 miles. For CVC'rs, longer ride is between a "gold" and "orange" level. No drops. I wait for the slowest rider. RIDE START: Triunfo Road just west of the Dam (tennis) Club and little yacht club building in Westlake Village. (From the 101 Fwy, take Lindero Cyn. south until it ends at Triunfo. Go right on Triunfo a couple hundred yards...where there's grass, sidewalk, the lake...and park along the curb.) TIME: Those wishing to get in ~20 miles, 5:30, ready to ride. Those just going around the lake can show up at any time. PICNIC: After riding - picnic starts around 7:00 p.m. WHAT TO BRING: HELMET AND BIKE! For picnic, bring something to share (cheese, crackers, fruit, olives, pretzels, cookies, whatever...), a beverage (and something to drink it in if you don't want to drink out of the bottle), something to SIT on and a warm jacket. Also bring any friends, neighbors, relatives, S.O.'s and anyone else who might like to join us (preferably with bikes). Don't forget spare tubes, water bottles, etc. ROUTES: Longer ride: Routes will include Hidden Valley, Lake Malibou, North Ranch, and wherever. Around the lake: cruise around the lake in wide bike lanes...no left turns...~5 miles each loop...all flat, no discernible hills. If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list (unless you're getting the notice from CVC), please let me know. Also, feel free to pass the information on to friends, family and S.O's. Everyone is welcome. Jan Grant