Weekend Ride Route Summary SATURDAY All rides meet & depart from "The Landing" parking lot at the South End of Westlake Lake. Please park in the middle lanes away from the homes on the East side of the lot. 8:30am at The Landing Red Ride, Leader: Taylor Hodoose Piuma and Tuna Canyon: Agoura/Cornell/Mulholland/Cold Canyon/Piuma/Tuna Canyon/Old Topanga/Calabasas/Agoura Rd Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/12222693> Orange Ride, Leader: Gary Silver Topanga Canyons: Lindero/Agoura/Mureau/Old Topanga/Mulholland/Topanga/Old Topanga/Mulholland/Cornell/Agoura Route Link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/290234> Gold Ride, Leader: Petros Vasiliou Westlake and Potrero: Triunfo/Westlake/Agoura/Lakeview/TO/Westlake/Arboles/Erbes/Olsen/Lynn/Dos Vientos/Hidden Valley Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/12149275> SUNDAY All rides meet & depart from "The Landing" parking lot at the South End of Westlake Lake. Please park in the middle lanes away from the homes on the East side of the lot. 9:00am at The Landing. Red Ride, Leader: Bart Ziegler Kanan and Dos Vientos: Lindero/Agoura/Chesboro/Kanan/Westlake/Arboles/Erbes/Pederson/Lynn/Wildflower/Big Sky/Arboles/Lynn/Dos Vientos/Reino/Potrero/Triunfo Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/16979513> G.O. Ride, Leader: Paul Sterngold 7-Minute Hill: Triunfo/Westlake/Agoura/Cornell/Muholland/7-Mnute/Park Oro/Mureau/Agoura/Lindero Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/17924908> Social Ride, Leader: Cameron, Petros and Kay Everyone invited to Twisted Oak after all rides to celebrate. Hidden Valley: Lindero/Truinfo/Westlake/Potrero/Lake Sherwood/Potrero/Hidden Valley Road/Potrero/Triunfo/Townsgate/Lakeview/Agoura/Lindero Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18426748> WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENT Hey CVC, The weekend weather looks clear all weekend, but VERY WINDY on Saturday. On windy days, use extra caution on descents and around corners. Lots of stuff flying around in lanes too, so watch out for debris on the roadways - and let everyone behind you know what's coming. On Saturday, we have three rides. The Red Ride is heading South to Piuma, down Tuna and return up Topanga. The Orange ride is going south through Calabasas then over Topanga Canyon and back up Old Topanga and Mulholland. The Gold ride is doing a nice loop up around Westlake, back over Olsen and Borchard Park before returning through Hidden Valley. On Sunday, we've got three rides and a fun social afterwards for Cam and Angie! The Red Ride is heading for a nice "flatish" loop through Agoura and Newbury around Kanan and Hidden Valley. The G.O. Ride is heading for Reyes Adobe and a Kanan loop before finishing in Thousand Oaks. And the social ride is going to enjoy a nice mellow loop out Hidden Valley to the Horse Stables. Everyone is invited to join us at The Twisted Oak Restaurant on the corner of Reyes Adobe and Agoura Road for the festivities. We've also got midweek rides Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, including a Tuesday night mountain bike ride, a Wednesday afternoon spin with Sheri and destination rides Tuesday and Thursday mornings. When riding with your groups, please be very verbal and watch for debris in the bike lanes. Always warn riders behind you of everything approaching! You are their eyes when you are on the front. Our Purple and Newcomer courses are getting a fantastic turnout and response. Please help spread the word and bring friends! Our next ride is next weekend. Come join us. We cover lots of info from bike checks, to riding strategies, to group dynamics. Let me know if I can help with anything bike or ride-related. I always have extra gear, nutrition, supplies and my toolbox, pump, etc. And let's ride! Bart Ziegler Ride Director Conejo Valley Cyclists UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, January 28nd Cameron and Angie Thank You and Farewell Ride. Social pace ride out and back in Hidden Valley, with get-together following at the Twisted Oak Restaurant. All riders and club members invited to join us. And time after 11am at the Twisted Oak (Agoura Hills Town Center, 30105 Agoura Rd, Agoura Hills, CA 91301) Wednesday, February 1st at 7pm Club meeting at Westlake Library, 31220 Oak Crest Dr, Westlake Village, CA 91361 Revisit your Youth and Protect Your Rights are the themes for this month’s meeting. CVC Members Meeting features real steel bikes! Do you have one? Please bring it to and display it at the meeting. Many of us have steel bikes and love them. Share the eternal beauty of a pristine steel frame with your fellow CVC'ers. Only steel is real ! We will have Torelli Bikes displaying their Italian made steel framed bikes. Nothing rides like steel and with modern groups and wheels you can have a 16 lb. bike. Additionally we will have David Drexler, a cyclist and attorney, to talk about your rights, your risks, what to know before an accident, and what to do after an accident. Also included, some club news and excitement! Come hear about our Spring 2016 CVC Bike Event of the Year! Be involved, share your ideas! Pizza Bites will be served for you!!! Saturday, May 6 Save the date for our Annual CVC Members Spring Charity Club Ride and Picnic! REGULAR WEEKLY CLUB RIDES Tuesday: Morning Ride - Leaders Kent Kilgore 9:00am at The Landing parking lot. Wildwood route. Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/585727> There are very few cars out at this time. Evening Ride - Leader Kent Koral Beginner mountain bike rides. Bring your lights and your laughs. Look for Kent's announcements for locations and meetups. Wednesday: Ride Leader - Sheri Leiken 3:30pm at The Landing parking lot Please join us for a mid-week ride Wednesday afternoon. Route to be determined at start. This is a Gold+ pace ride of approx. 20-25 miles. Thursday: Morning Ride - Leaders Susan Walters 9:00am at The Landing parking lot. Stunt out and back route. Challenging route will include less climbing options. Route link: <https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5392723> Come and join us. No rider gets left behind. SAFETY REMINDERS If there is a marked bike lane, cyclists may ride shoulder to shoulder. Single file otherwise. There is no three or four abreast at any time while moving.If you are wearing a CVC kit, you represent the club, so please be sure to follow the rules of the road. When riding with CVC, you agree to: * Wear a helmet and ensure my bike is in good working order. * Ride to the right, pass on the left. * Ride in the bike lane (where available) and signal when moving into another lane. * Ride no more than two abreast in the bike lane, single file on narrow roads, and avoid "Swarming" (bunching up and multiplying the chance of accidents) * Call out and point if I see a traffic hazard * Respect ALL traffic laws and the rights of all autos, bicycles, and pedestrians* Ride predictably and remind other to be safe * Be a bicycling ambassador PARKING Please remember when parking at The Landing for any weekend morning rides to park and congregate towards the far end of the lot away from the street and use the middle row. Do not park next to the homes. ADDITIONAL NOTES The Purple ride is considered a no drop. Having said that, please note that if you are falling behind or slower than the average pace, you may be dropped. All rides not asterisked are considered a "drop ride" so please understand the route before you start (and how to get back). If you get to a regrouping spot and no one is there, consider yourself dropped. As always, we will try to stick together and have a fun, safe ride. We will regroup regularly to allow everyone a chance to ride together. If for any reason you leave a group ride, please pass along the information to the ride leader. Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.