Hi CVC'rs, Last weekend we had our CVC Holiday mixer at Bellinis and we had a nice turnout. I want to again thank Sheila Sherwyn for organizing the soiree for us. During the party, we made a few announcements regarding the make-up of the CVC Board and other committees. For starters, I will be stepping down as your President as of Dec 31st. I have loved being of service to the club as President the last 2 years and working with everyone to try and make this the best cycling club around. Stepping down is particularly easy for me since I know that Henry Montalvo will be stepping in right behind me as your new CVC President! I am very confident that Henry will do a spectacular job at the helm, and bring his usual high level of energy and effort to the post. I will continue to be on the Board of Directors as Cruisin' the Conejo co-director with Lee Cole (who will be leaving his post as Cruisin' Director after the 2014 edition so he can more focus on the moto road-race team he and his son have formed) . Other changes to the board will be that we are happy to welcome Sheri Leiken, who will fill Henry Montalvo's vacated position as Membership Director. Caitlin Steel will continue as Treasurer (and continue her attempt to keep me and Henry in line with varying levels of success), and Alison Amagasu as Public Relations/Social Media Director (stoked to have her as the digital face of the club). We will be filling the vacant Secretary board position early next year and we are still needing to fill the ride director board position. We also have some new committee chair people coming on board. Bruce Fleck will be our new Website Committee Chairperson. He is going to help us get our website running and working the way we want it to. We still would like to add a Charity Committee Chairperson to help with our charitable contributions. Please contact the board if you would like to be involved. Again, Thank you for allowing me to be involved in such a great organization!! Sincerely, Kent Koral President (for now) Conejo Valley Cyclists (818) 802-0826