Sent: Mon, May 7, 2012 06:38:18 PDT
Subject: Tuesday Rockstore RideHi Gold Riders,
We will start this Tuesday evening gold ride to the Rock Store from
Citibank location to Malibou Lake - Rock Store - Mulholland Hwy -
Decker Canyon - around Westlake Lake. 25 + miles with 2,100' of
climbing. Starting at 5:15pm
Same route as the Tuesday Red Ride (without upper Encinal Canyon).
Re-group at:
Cornell / Mulholland and top of Rock Store.
With the sun setting early lights make it much easier to see and be seen.Here's the route using "Ride with GPS". Where you can view the route and
print out a cue sheet:
The ride will start at 5:15pm
See you then,