Hi all, Just so everyone has ample time to plan, I'm sending along the routes and info for this Saturday's away rides. All starting at 9 a.m. Note: No CVC rides will be starting from Sprouts parking lot in Westlake Village this week. Starting in Glendora This is a Red/Orange ride. Jim Doane and Jerry Scott will be ride leadesr. Please RSVP if you plan to join this ride so that we have a head count. Also, we could use a volunteer for SAG support if anyone is interested to carry extra water bottles and gear for the riders. Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/289469 Bike Ride description: 39.9 miles 5,095 total ft. of climbing (optional loop: 4 miles, 1809' of switchbacks up & back after Baldy Village) Moderate climbing & beautiful views most of the way in multiple directions: Urban, canyons, reservoirs & mountains. Suitable to Orange & Red Club riders: both in distance & overall climbing feet: Many places to turn around and ride back downhill if you so desire After twenty miles - we'll descend to Baldy Village (water, food, beer) Start: 9:00am Glendora High School: Foothill Blvd. & Valley Center Dr., Glendora CA - parking lot on East side of Valley Center Dr. (south of school buildings) Car Driving Instructions: ( 50 miles from Westlake ) Travel to #210 Frwy: East to Glendora Exit: Lone Hill Ave (turn left at bottom of off -ramp: going N) First major intersection is route # 66 = turn left 1 block on Rte # 66 bear to right on a diagonal street called: Compromise Line Rd. about 1/4 mi. = R on Valley Center Ave. look for Glendora H.S. Parking lot on Right side ( East side of road) Ride Specifics: Total ride 40 mile loop Climbing concentrated in first one-third of ride - similar to our Yerba Buena Rd. The total ride is easier than riding all of Yerba Buena however. If you like our Mulholland Hwy ride from PCH - you'll like this ride even better. First 4 miles (4-12% grades max.) averages 8-9% Then ride across Ridge (4-5%) overlooking Azusa Canyon: Morris Reservoir & San Gabriel Reservoir Last turn - Newman Point overlook : 6.2 miles - before heading due East Top of first climbing part: 8.5 miles Descend to Intersection of Glendora Ridge Rd. at :8.9 mi. Ride for 11.1 miles ( mostly gradual swooping uphills & downhills) Cow Canyon Saddle : at 20.0 miles Steep descent (.8 mi.) to Mt. Baldy Village (at 4,000' elevation) Stop for water-food, beer at Mt. Baldy Restaurant Challenge: while others are "lunching" at the Lodge - we can climb the extra credit steep switchbacks 4 miles, 1809' of switchbacks up & back from Baldy Village (a segment of the 2011 AMTOC ) Then we can ride back either of two routes - we'll see who wants to ride which ..... 1) Downhill to Claremont, La Verne, across a couple small rollers & bike path to San Dimas & Glendora - see the route & map above OR..... 2) Re-ride the route in the opposite direction ( retrace ride) - steep but relatively short climb ( .8 mi. out of Baldy Village then mostly downhill on Glendora Ridge Rd. ( some significant rollers) & GMR back to start/finish - less traffic this way and nicer canyon views Starting in Camarillo 9am from parking lot on Westpark Court at Pleasant Valley Fields Location link: https://plus.google.com/115478525968165312188/about?gl=us&hl=en#115478525968165312188/about?gl=us&hl=en Red & Orange: To the coast, up Encinal, down Mulholland and back. 56 Miles, 2700 feet climbing. Ride leader TBA. Please let me know if anyone is interested in leading this ride. Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4387799 The re-group spots: Sycamore Cove Beach part ( restrooms & water) Fire Station on Decker (water) = backtract at top of Encinal on Decker Leo Carrillo Campground parking lot: bottom of Mulholland at PCH ( restroom, water) Gold: Along the Camarillo farm fields before looping around Balcom Canyon. Very scenic route through farms, orchards, and rolling terrain. 37 miles, 1500 feel climbing. Cam is ride leader. Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4351241 Purple: Down to the beach and back through farmland. 26 miles, 200 feet climbing. Bill Sietsema is ride leader. Route link: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/4293080 Cameron "Cam" Young CVC Ride Director Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride.