“This seat is killing me!”. We’ve all said this at one time or another. Most of us have saddles we have purchased that worked for a while, and don’t now. Or, we’ve upgraded and now have extras just lying around collecting dust, and sure, one day we'll get around to Ebay-ing them. And, yes, we can try a few from the local shop, but why not keep things “in the family”. So, we have started a bike seat co-op. Bring those bad boys to the ride start with your name and contact info on the underside of the saddle, I’ll hang onto them, keep track of who has what. Someone else can borrow and try it out. When someone decides it’s a keeper, the two parties can work out the deal. For those who may be concerned, all saddles will be sanitized for your protection! Cam Young Ride Director Conejo Vally Cyclists