[image: image.png] *Upcoming Events:* CVC Club Meeting Wednesday January 22, 7:00pm Win's Wheels Local rides- Saturday January 18th @8:30 Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red Taylor Westlake/Dn Mully/ 50 4,830 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/12832749 805-390-2200 PCH/Latigo/Westlake Orange Doug Cornell/Rock Store 36.5 3,369 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31748259 323-806-2002 Up Enc/TOW/Westlake **Note that the top of Rock Store has small section of gravel Orange Lite Petros Cornell/Rock Store 36.5 3,369 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31748259 805-630-8116 Up Enc/TOW/Westlake Gold Sharon 818-519-8694 4 Lakes club ride 30.5 1,860 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18271121 Sunday January 19th @9:00 am Ride Leader Route Miles Climb (ft.) Map Red TBD Westlake/Mully/7 min 36 2,606 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31319237 Calabasas return Orange TBD Westlake/Mully/7 min 36 2,606 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31319237 Gold Calabasas return Social Kay Westlake/Pederson 22 1,387 https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29210610 818-419-1172 Olson/Erbes Question of the week: What is your new year’s resolution/philosophy? For 2020, mine is, “if you want something bad enough, you will make **it happen”. It allows for inspiration and acceptance. If I want to obtain a goal in 2020, I need to take responsibility and do the things that enable me to achieve that goal. If I need more time in the saddle to gain endurance, it falls on me to free up my schedule. If I want to increase strength, it falls on me to get in more gym time. It’s also up to me to be realistic with my goals. If I’m not putting in the work, I need to re-evaluate if it’s a goal I really want. If I can’t make it happen, I don’t want it bad enough, and need to accept that truth. Safety Tip of the Week: Watch Out at Intersections-When approaching intersections requiring vehicles to yield or stop the lead rider will say “slowing” or “stopping” to alert those behind to the change in speed. Do not call out “clear”. Each cyclist is responsible for verifying that the way is clear before entering the intersection. Signal well and make eye contact with drivers before making a turn or slowing down. When riding with us: · wear helmets and ensure your bike is in good working order · stay in bike lanes and no more than two abreast on them; single file otherwise · not overlap wheels · descend carefully! Look out for debris, animals, potholes, tight bends, and slick spots · pass slower riders on the left · ride predictably: signal when changing lines and call out hazards · avoid bunching up · respect all traffic rules and the rights of motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians · always use proper hand signals to indicate to drivers and other riders your intentions · we are a "rules of the road" cycling club · Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride -- Taylor Hodoose 805-390-2200