Hi! You may be aware that the City of Thousand Oaks is asking for feedback on the 3-week demonstration (ending May 31st) of the separated bike lane project on Hillcrest Drive. I was talking to Masoud Razavi, the project manager for the design/construction, and he said the City is receiving negative feedback and asked me to “spread the word" among the cycling community to fill out the form. *PLEASE *forward this email to your respective cycling groups and ask them to fill out the form. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8C-MGj-qX0ScrXR38aQKbD7A... This is the video the City made and put on their social media. The City selected me to be in it - along with two other people who ended up "no showing" on Friday. So, it is "just me” Ha! Masoud is talking over the video. *I highly encourage you to add comments to the Instagram post and/or "like" the positive comments.* https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7NYhbTPKjL/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Please forward this email to anyone you think would be interested in providing feedback. And you're free to cut/paste/edit it too. Thank you and have a great day, *-Kathy Naoum* -- Sheri