This weekend’s rides offer continued fun andadventure. OUR NEW ( TEMPORARY ) START LOCATION IS TRIUNFOCOMMUNITY PARK 980 ARANMOOR AVE.THOUSAND OAKS/WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 Pleasemeet up in the rear parking lot. There is no parking in the first parking lot. Pleasepark on the culdesac and rear parking lot area. Please do not park on the residential side of thestreet. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Triunfo+Park/@34.1548063,-118.8521175,14.7... CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR HELP FINDING THE PARK HEREARE OUR WEEKEND RIDES FOR SATURDAY 01-09-2021 & SUNDAY 01-10-2021 Pease bring and wear your masks at ride starts,regroups and when entering public areas. Select your ride level and download / orprint your route. All CVC Non Members must sign a CVC Ride Waiver, noexceptions. Thursday afternoon ride starts at3:30 pm, Triunfo Park Hosted by Sheri. The CVC 2nd and 4thTuesday Night Winter MTB Ride Series Continues. Future Routes to follow. Routes will be sent out bythis weekend. ** Hosted by Kent and Petros Please read the following before arriving atthe ride start location. Be cognizant of social distancing. Bring and wear yourmask. If you have air quality or other health concernsplease err on the side of caution. Ride at your own risk. Helmets are mandatory, carry ride supplies and be sureyour bike is in good working order. Stay in bike lanes, ride single file, double when safeand do not overlap wheels. Descend carefully at a safe distance while looking outfor debris and road hazards. Pass slower riders on the left and announce yourintentions. Ride predictably and use proper hand signals whenchanging lanes, turning, slowing and stopping. Respect all traffic rules and the rights of motorizedvehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Inclement weather policy is safety first. If it isactively raining or the ride route has a wet surface it is out policy to cancelall club rides. Saturday January 9th @8:30 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | Red Captain Kent 818-802-0826 | Kent | Triunfo Pk, Westlake, Rk Store Backwards, 7 Minute Hill, Mureau Return | 44.1 | 4410 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34964927 | | Orange Captain Donna 805-444-0159 | Donna | Triunfo Pk, Westlake, Rk Store Backwards, 7 Minute Hill, Mureau Return | 44.1 | 4410 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34964927 | | Orange Light Captains Steve 818-426-1649 Richard 661-803-4575 | Steve and Richard | Triunfo Pk, Rock Store, Top of the World, Westlake, Optional Lake Lap | 36 | 3162 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34965690 | | Gold Captains Sharon 818-519-8694 Lisa 818-535-0862 | Lisa and Sharon | Triunfo Pk, Hidden Valley, Dos Vientos, Hidden Valley Back | 36 | 2075 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/4331275 | | Mellow Yellow Captains Tex 805-746-5713 Jeanne 805-368-7974 | Tex and Jeanne | Triunfo Pk, Oak Park Loop | 22 | 1330 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34920159 | Sunday January 10th @9:00 am | Ride | Leader | Route | Miles | Climb (ft.) | Map | | G.O./R.O. Captains Alfonso 787-240-1332 Donna 805-444-0159 | TBD | Triunfo Pk, Rock Store, Top of the World, Westlake | 31.5 | 3162 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34965690 | | Gravel Captain Rob | TBD | Triunfo Pk, W Lake-Backbone Etz Yerba, Little Sycamore, Decker to Westlake | 27.4 | 3020 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34975449 | | Sunday Fun Day Captain Richard 661-803-4575 | Richard | Triunfo Pk, Hillcrest, Gainsboroough, Lynn, Sunset Hills, Erbes, Hillcrest, Lakeview Canyon, Tirunfo Canyon | 23.7 | 1361 | https://ridewithgps.com/routes/34970655 [RA1] | When riding with us: · Be cognizant of social distancing. Bring and wear your mask. · If you have air quality or other health concerns please erron the side of caution. · Ride at your own risk. · Helmets are mandatory, carry ride supplies and be sure yourbike is in good working order. · Stay in bike lanes, ride single file, double when safe anddo not overlap wheels. · Descend carefully at a safe distance while looking out fordebris and road hazards. · Pass slower riders on the left and announce yourintentions. · Ride predictably and use proper hand signals when changinglanes, turning, slowing and stopping. · Respect all traffic rules and the rights of motorizedvehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. · Inclement weather policy is safety first. If it is activelyraining or the ride route has a wet surface it is our policy to cancel all theclub rides. · Club members may choose to meet and ride in theseconditions, however the ride will not be considered an official club ride. · We are a rules of the road cycling club. [RA1] Richard Paul Aguilar 661-803-4575Rpainsurance@sbcglobal.net