CVC Club Ride Recap for Week of 6-08-12 Hi CVC'rs, Here’s this upcoming week’s club ride recap summarizing the rides and identifying the club ride leaders. Please refer to the individual ride captain’s ride announcement emails for specific ride details. Note that each club colored ride has a “Ride Captain” with a team of “Ride Leaders” who will lead the specific announced rides as posted by the Ride Captains. Everyone is invited and encouraged to take part in leading and assisting the rides, just contact the ride Captain and they will tell you all you need to know. Congratulations to the awesome Purple Riders for concurring Treasure Hill and the Greenmeadow Bypass route. This Sunday they are challenging the Please not; this Saturday is the ride to Recovery Event sponsored by the Calabasas Sheriff Department. Some CVC members will be in attendance and there will be a tremendous amount of activity in the area. Saturday, 6-09-12: 8:30am Start: Citibank/Sprouts parking lot - Westlake Village (NE corner of Westlake Blvd. and Agoura/Hampshire Rd.’s) Purple Ride : Malibu Lake with Beth M and/or Mike L Route 1: Malibu Lake, which include the rollers after Treasure Hills this will be leisure! http://ridewithgps.com/routes/381518 Gold Ride: Ranch Conejo open space loop, with Henry M Route to Rancho Conejo open space loop: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1287271 Orange Ride: PCH and up Encinal with Norm W Route to PCH and up Encinal: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/781859 Red Ride: Up Rock Store, Down Encinal and Up Decker or Mulholland with Jim D Route to PCH and up Mulholland:http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1256131 Sunday: 9:00am start at Citibank/Sprouts parking lot Purple Ride: Route Westlake to Kanan returning on Agoura. Social Ride: Route Northern and North Western Thousand Oaks / Lynn Ranch withDale S Next Week: Tuesday and Thursday PM Red and Gold rides Tuesday PM Mountain Bike Rides-Novice and Advanced Jan's Thursday Picnic Ride Inclement Weather Policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route is wet it is our club’s policy to cancel scheduled club ride. Should club members choose to meet and ride in inclement conditions the ride will not be considered an official club ride. Upcoming Events: Family Fun Ride: The Family Fun Ride flagship by Henry Montalvo is quickly becoming a big success with new faces joining in for a fun and leisurely ride with friends and family. Mark your calendars for the Next upcoming Fun Ride on July 1st and get into the fun. Family Fun Ride Dates: July 1st August 12th Fun Rides with Henry Montalvo: open to the entire family, friends and neighbors. All that is needed is supervision, a helmet a proper operating bicycle and the energy to keep up with our future cyclists. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Event dates are as follows: Inclement weather policy applies to all rides. Classic Bicycle Ride:July 15th Classic Bicycle ride with Robert Muzio, which starts at 9:00 AM from Citi Bank. This is the time to ride your classic collection and have other admire them. All that is required is your classic bicycle a helmet and a wiliness to have a fun and enjoyable ride. Event dates are as follows: Inclement weather policy applies to all rides. Planned away rides: Please note that due to road and weather conditions routes are subject to change. Inclement weather policy applies to all rides. June 16th: Glendora Mountain Road. July 14th: Ventura to Ojai through Santa Paula. August 11th: Carpentarea to Santa Barbara. September 8th: Zuma Beach Routes. October 13th: Solvang the Sideways tour. November 10th: Pine Mountain and Ojai. December 8th: Santa Clarita