Hi All: Saturday, 1-11-14 CVC Red Ride : 8:30am: Citibank/Sprouts Parking lot - Westlake Village ( NE Corner: Westlake Blvd. & Agoura/Hampshire Rd.s) For this Saturday's Red Ride let's ride up, down and back up Latigo Canyon 52.3 miles 6984' climbing ( as calculated by RWGPS which is always a little higher than actual) For a detailed map & route slip, go to: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3883128 This was part of the route of our previous year's CVC Club January Memorial Ride in memory of former members Rod Pang & Mike Fair that some of you remember. The Ride of Silence in May has eclipsed our local club ride however as a larger testiment to those cyclists who have been killed or injured while riding their bikes. Re-Group spots: 1) Juan Bautista de Anza Park ( water, restrooms) 2) Calamigos Ranch: Rusty horse statues (water) 3) 2nd top of Latigo : before the final long descent 4) Latigo & PCH : turn-around - back up Latigo Canyon 5) 2nd peak of Latigo Canyon : before descent to Kanan-Calimigos Ranch 6) Calamigos Ranch : water stop ( if needed) Inclement weather policy : If it is actively raining or threatening rain and the roads are wet, the official announced club ride is cancelled. Those club members who ride in these conditons do so at their own disretion, however their ride is not to be considered as an official club ride. Jim Doane- CVC Red Ride Captain