- 8/9 - Paul S will lead from Adobe Cantina
- 8/16 - Karl-Heinz will lead from Pedaler's Fork
- 8/23 - We don't have a leader for this ride yet, so here's your chance to do your part!
- 8/30 - Terry H will lead from his home in Moorpark
- 9/6 - Donna will lead from Tarantula hill
- 9/13 and beyond - we will continue pub rides through 9/27 as long as we have leaders! Currently, we have no leaders for 9/13, 9/20 and 9/27.
Pub rides depend on leaders like you! Even if you've never led a ride, here's your chance! We rely a LOT on our regular weekend ride leaders, so give them a chance to relax and enjoy the ride.