Hello CVC’ers, We are excited to have our first meeting of the year take place at Win’s Wheels. Along with the usual club business, Win Allen will be our special guest speaker. In addition to Win, we will be having a special tire changing contest. This just added, we will have a second guest speaker from the Scout Troop 753—our fabulous Cruisin’ rest stop oprganizers. Special note, we need everyone to bring a folding chair to the meeting. This should be a great presentation and I hope you can attend. Date/Time: Thursday, March 26th, 7pm Location: Win’s Wheels 30941 W. Agoura Rd. Suite 302 Westlake Village, CA 91361 Win Allen, owner of Win’s Wheels, is a master mechanic who has over 30 years of bicycle industry experience – both in the shop and on the race circuit. Win's Wheels is a specialty business, a professional Bicycle Service Center with a singular focus, expert service on any kind of Road, Mountain, Cyclocross and Tri bike. Simply put, Win Allen doesn’t sell bikes, he repairs them, expertly. Hope to see you there, Henry Montalvo President, CVC