Cruisin' is less than 24 hours away and wanted to put out a note. There is a need for an additional member to help with the 12 Mile Junior Tour. This will stay close to the start / finish. Please let me or Joan Sauber know if you can help. Many of you have volunteered for general help Friday afternoon and Saturday morning or evening. There will be set up going on from 4:00am through 9:00am. The earliest part of set up is taken care of so if you have offered to be of general help come on by around 6:30 and we will put you to work. You can get in touch with me by email or my cell. It is (805) 732-5982. For those who offered help In the afternoon Friday about 4:00. Saturday around 4:00 we will begin to close down and will need more as time goes on from there. In between we are looking for anyone to be there meeting people, letting others know about CVC and Cruisin'. Many of you have volunteered for specific jobs and We noticed as registration built there were a lot of riders out there, in our local community that are not members of CVC. They do not have to be but coming to Cruisin' and meeting current CVC members they may want to consider joining. We would also like you to wear our new CVC jersey's if possible. The more they see CVC is out there the better. We want them to know who puts this event on. Cruisin' the Conejo is all new this year with many new ideas and visions. We hope you will be able to come by and check out all that is offered. Thank you for all your help, Lee Cole CVC Cruisin' Director (805) 732-5982