Hi CVC'rs, As you know, this Saturday, April 30th is the 27th edition of the Conejo Valley Cyclists Cruisin' the Conejo ride event. This year marks a milestone for us as it will be the 1st year that we will close down and utilize Lawrence Dr. for our Expo site. As you may have read in earlier posts to the list, we have put together quite an exciting list of vendors for the Expo. You can get more information from the CVC website or from the Facebook page. Because we encourage all our members to get involved in Cruisin',and also that all of the ride leaders will be working the event, *we will not be having any CVC organized rides this Saturday*. All other weekday and Sunday rides including The Tuesday/Thursday red & gold rides, Sheri's Wednesday Landing Ride, Jan,s Thursday picnic and Sundays Purple and Social rides will run as usual. If you have not yet volunteered to help out, and would like to, email Lee Cole lee@bicyclingpenguin.org and let him know your interested. If you come down to the expo to look around and see the sights, wear you CVC colors!! Hope to see there! Kent Koral CVC Ride Director 818-802-0826