CVC Sunday Social / Recovery Ride -- Sunday, June 9, 2013 9:00 am Meeting at Citibank Parking Lot - Westlake Village -- Westlake Blvd. & Agoura Road (North East Corner) Hi CVC club members and guests, Come out and join us for a social paced recovery ride (14 Mph Average Speed/Pace). 25-38 miles max. and stay a while to socialize afterwards by having an after-ride beverage and snack. We haven't ridden this in a while so lets try it this Sunday. This week we will go Norwegian Grade style with a Read Road Bypass return. Climbing Erbs to Arboles and up Westlake Blvd. Possible extensions thru North Ranch, Oak Park and Old Agoura. See you there! Dale Even though we are attempting to offer our coolest ride routes during high heat days, some considerations and situations that you should be aware of for riding in high heat in our area: 1) Stay hydrated and be aware to keep your electrolytes balanced 2) Road surface conditions: asphalt tar & repair drips become semi liquid and especially slippery example: descending Decker/Westlake has multiple places where asphalt cracks have been sealed with tar Try to ride over them minimizing tire contact 3) Goat head thorns have returned and caused six flats on this past week's Orange ride Carry and extra tube or two - and even a patch kit for flat repairs 4) Be aware of other riders signs of heat exhaustion and offer assistance as applicable After ride socializing - Natural Cafe' Restaurant - Patio and/or front grassy courtyard area. Many options at this location for beverage and food establishments. See you there!!! Dale Note: Inclement weather policy: In the interest of safety, whenever it is either actively raining or the ride route has wet roads, it is our club policy to cancel a club ride. Club members may still choose to meet and ride in these conditions; however, the ride will not be considered an official club ride. Please remember to park in the area along Westlake Blvd. (between the street and the first driveway aisle) and not in the area in front of the shops or market. If we don't respect the requests of the lease tenants we could be asked to park elsewhere