CVC's July 4th, starting at 9:00 AM we are riding the Carpentaria to Golita/Santa Barbara Route at a Red/Orange and Orange/Gold pace. There will be two ride leaders for the same route: For those unable to attend the Away Ride there will be a Local Orange/Gold Pace Ride, led by Harlene Roen. The local ride is starting from Citibank parking lot at 9:00 AM Local Ride 9:00 AM Start, Orange/Gold pace ride with Harlene R: Route: Away Ride 9:00 AM Start, Red/Orange pace ride with Jim D. Away Ride 9:00 AM Start, Orange/Gold pace ride with James H. Away ride route: Direction to the Away Ride Start: Carpentaria at Casista Pass Rd. and Carpentaria Ave. 101 North, Exit Casitas Pass Road and turn towards the Ocean (West), meet in the shopping center parking on the left. Please let me know if you have any additional questions? Regards Norm (818) 282-2421