Hi CVC Red Riders:Here are the "Ride With GPS" ( RWGPS) route maps and profiles for my previously announced Saturday, 2-16-13 Red RidesLike I previously said - we'll decide at the Tuna Canyon/PCH re-group spot who wants to go back with whom on either return route A) The harder, steeper climbing option including Las Flores return route from PCH is at: https://ridewgps.com/routes/2143456 63 miles 8806' climbing ( We've found that the cumulative climbing totals of RWGPS maps are + 30% overstated) - so it's probably more like 6,200' climbing B) The route back from PCH riding to Encinal Canyon ( NOT climbing Las Flores) is at: htts://ridewgps.com/routes/2143553 71.2 miles 9,172' climbing (realistically more like: 6,400' ) Not as much steep climbing but does include 19 miles of riding on PCH through Malibu though Either ride should be a great day. See you 8:30am on Saturday - Sprouts/Citibank Parking lot Jim Doane - CVC Red Ride Captain